Beris bits are continuously tested throughout the development and manufacturing stages by both professional and amateur riders alike.
Together with the state-of-the-art manufacturing technology from Beris, the riders’ input helps to develop a superior product range suitable for a large variety of horses and riders.
The main focus in the manufacture of Beris bits is to protect the horse’s sensitive mouth.
Only top-quality materials are used, and each metal component is shaped, welded and polished by hand.
The Beris propeller port mouth pelham is suitable for horses that tend to go above the bit, strong horses that want to speed up when ridden and hard to control youngsters.
The bit provides control by applying pressure to the horse’s poll and lower jaw.
In addition, the ported mouthpiece allows for more tongue room, providing increased comfort to horses with fleshy tongues and those who object to a mouthpiece which lies straight across the tongue.
The mouthpiece is also able to rotate on the horse’s tongue, providing the optimal amount of pressure and control at all times.
Shank length is 7cm.
** No returns or exchanges are possible if there are chew marks on the mouthpiece.