The Bombers Tom Thumb Control Plate features an extended shank and central link set at 45 degrees.
The bit is similar to other 3 ring bits or Dutch Gags and introduces poll pressure as well as creating leverage on the mouthpiece.
The biggest difference is that instead of the 3rd ring set at the bottom of the snaffle ring, it features an extended shank with a small ring set on the end.
The shank is bent and set to run at 45°. This design lightens poll pressure and leverage on the mouthpiece.
In addition, the central control plate is set at 45° to follow the contour of the horse’s tongue. This type of mouthpiece is best suited to a horse that accepts tongue pressure.
A horse who uses his tongue as a means of pushing against the bit and therefore taking control, will draw back and tuck his chin in, coming back to a better point of control.
This bit is a very good choice for the horse that shakes its head up when in a snaffle. It is recommended over the elliptical snaffle as the control plate offers a larger surface area for pressure distribution on the tongue.
- Mouthpiece Material: Sweet iron.
- Mouthpiece Type: Bombers 45-degree control plate.
- Mouthpiece Thickness: 14mm.
- Cheekpiece Material: Stainless steel.
- Cheekpiece Type: Bombers Tom Thumb.
- Snaffle Ring Diameter: 5.7cm.
- Cheekpiece Length: 14.2cm.
- Curb Chain Included: Yes, Nylon backstrap.
- Action mouthpiece: Light pressure and pinching action on the bars of the mouth. Medium pressure on the tongue.
- Action cheek: Light cheek pressure. Light poll pressure.