The Bombers 2.5 Ring Moulded Mullen is ideal for stronger horses that dislike metal mouthpieces.
The mouthpiece was developed to ensure texture, durability and comfort.
Its unique shape includes a flattened centre which is angled at 45 degrees.
This shape ensures a very soft and even distribution of pressure over and around the horse’s tongue.
A flexible stainless-steel cable core ensures safety.
The 2.5 ring cheek is a good alternative to the conventional 3 or 4 ring cheek if less poll pressure is required.
The addition of the half ring reduces leverage on the poll and mouthpiece. Ideal for more sensitive horses.
The use of a Nylon backstrap is recommended. Backstrap is supplied.
** No returns or exchanges are possible if there are chew marks on the mouthpiece.
- Mouthpiece Material: Bomber Blue. Cable core.
- Mouthpiece Type: Moulded mullen.
- Mouthpiece Thickness: 16mm.
- Cheekpiece Material: Stainless steel.
- Cheekpiece Type: 2.5 Ring.
- Snaffle Ring Diameter: 7.8cm.
- Cheekpiece Length: 13cm.
- Curb Chain Included: Yes, Nylon backstrap.
- Action mouthpiece: Light pressure on the bars of the mouth. Medium pressure on the tongue.
- Action cheek: Light cheek pressure. Light curb pressure. Light poll pressure.