Similar to its eggbutt counterpart, the Bombers Classic D Moulded Mullen snaffle is a good choice for horses that do not like metal mouthpieces.
The d-ring cheek helps to prevent pinching of the horse’s lips and gives a solid feel against the side of the face.
In addition, it prevents the bit being pulled through the horse’s mouth. The release is slower than the loose ring and also introduces light poll pressure.
The mouthpiece was developed to ensure texture, durability and comfort.
Its unique shape includes a flattened centre which is angled at 45 degrees.
This shape ensures a very soft and even distribution of pressure over and around the horse’s tongue.
A flexible stainless-steel cable core ensures safety.
** No returns or exchanges are possible if there are chew marks on the mouthpiece.
- Mouthpiece Material: Bomber Blue. Cable core.
- Mouthpiece Type: Moulded mullen.
- Mouthpiece Thickness: 16mm.
- Cheekpiece Material: Stainless steel.
- Cheekpiece Type: D-ring.
- Snaffle Ring Diameter: 7.8cm.
- Cheekpiece Length: N/A
- Curb Chain Included: N/A.
- Action: Light pressure on the bars of the mouth. Medium pressure on the tongue. Light poll pressure.