The Atlantis Horse Youth Development, a registered NPO, is a community run project in Atlantis (West Coast) in the Cape. It is spear headed by Regan Fortuin (a community member) and the Western Cape Agri through the municipality and the ward councilor of the Atlantis area.
Aims of the project:
Educate the local community on horse care with assistance from the local equestrian community, vets and farriers. This includes correct fitting of equipment and tack used for riding and handling.
Provide suitable second hand tack and medication to owners of the locally bred and hardy “West Coast Ponies”.
Through education on horse care and the Thoroughbred breed, remove, rehabilitate, and rehome any Thoroughbreds living in the area.
Thoroughbreds have often been used in illegal horse racing in the area and were not coping well under the conditions they were being kept. Owners were often not able to provide the necessary dietary requirements and horse care, meaning the SPCA or a local vet, Romayne Midgley, were confiscating many horses in poor condition. Many horses have since been rehabilitated and rehomed. Through education, the community has started to realise that the Thoroughbred is more work and costs too much to maintain.
The community is always thankful for the time spent with them and the knowledge shared with them. It’s vital to spend time with each member and their “noble steed”, getting to know them and their individual needs. Recently a clinic was held with the community whereby a tack drive took place, SAAPF farrier Brian Donnolly assisted with hoof care, while a vet micro-chipped all the horses present on the day. Other events such as farrier workshops (recently led and supervised by Robbie Miller and Dwayne Store) are also held in the area, allowing horses to receive hoof care required and empowering horse owners with new horse care knowledge and skill.
All tack donated to the Atlantis Horse Youth Development is sold to the horse owners at a minimal cost, e.g. Bridle with reins R50, which in essence gives the responsibility of the horse back to the owner. This is a vital educational step in the project. Moneys collected from these sales are pooled and the organization allocates the funds accordingly, often to feed and medical supplies purchased from the State Vet Equine Health Foundation.
The support from the local council is highly valued and appreciated. They are currently in the process of allocating land to the community. Stables will be built on the land and proper fencing will be erected to keep the horses safe from theft and prevent the horses from wondering into the roads at night.
The Atlantis Horse Youth project needs your help:
Bridle parts
Bits (all sizes) – preferably softer types e.g. snaffles. Most bits used in the community are homemade, often ill fitting and thus cause damage!
Over reach boots
Brushing boots
Jodhpur boots
Jodhpurs – men’s & ladies
Tack cleaning products
Any feed supplements – to be controlled by Romayne
Any sort of parasite control – tick grease, fly spray, dewormers etc. Even if expired!
10% and 12% concentrate feed only
Teff, oathay, lucerne – even sweepings from the yard! Romayne is happy to collect.
Durable feed bins and water buckets
Saddles – we assess these carefully to prevent poor fitting saddles which cause saddle sores.
Pallets to store roughage on
Grooming equipment
Any medical sprays, lotions & potions
Horse shoes & nails
Once the community receives the council land:
Poles for paddocks and a lunge ring.
Human First Aid Kit
This unique community needs YOUR support!! If you’d like to get involved or make a contribution to the development, please contact:
Colleen: 021 551 4410 / or Romayne: 0761554603
Drop off point for any donations to the Atlantis Horse Youth Development:
Western Shoppe Cape Town,
Unit A8, Sanlam Business Park,
Corner Racecourse & Koeberg Road,
Alternatively contact Romayne to arrange collections.
Thank you to all parties and the equestrian community involved in empowering the community of Atlantis and for giving back to our beloved friend, the horse!